Einträge über KDE

Versuchter Umstieg auf Wayland

Vor vielen Jahren wurde Wayland als Nachfolger für X11 entwickelt, ich habe den Umstieg ziemlich lange aufgeschoben, dafür gibt es verschiedene Gründe. Nun habe ich den Umstieg dann aber doch vollzogen und schreibe hier über die Hürden, die es gab.


Plasma with Wayland not usable yet

Ever since KDE 4 I have been using Plasma on my personal laptop. And I also use it at work. But every since I use it with X.Org, although there is Wayland support. Lately I had some glitches with the USB-C dock and external screens, so I thought about giving Wayland a try. The screens got recognized well, but there were other glitches that made it practically unusable:


KDE Plasma vs. Awesome WM

In the first years that I have used Linux, I switched back between GNOME 2, Ubuntu Unity, and KDE 3/4. Eventually I have settled with KDE 4. A couple years later, I used `KDE with Awesome WM before and since KDE Plasma 5 came out, I just use Awesome WM since they are not that easy to use together since KDE 5.


KDE with Awesome WM

I have been using KDE for a while now, but I started to feel that a tiling window manager might help me. So instead of dropping KDE as a whole, I just replaced KWin with Awesome WM.
