Project Euler Solution 96: Su Doku
In this post we will look at Project Euler Problem 96 which is about solving Su Doku puzzles.
In this post we will look at Project Euler Problem 96 which is about solving Su Doku puzzles.
In Project Euler Problem 92 we're asked to look at some digit stuff again.
Here we will look at Project Euler Problem 89 where we have to deal with Roman numerals.
In Project Euler Problem 87 we are supposed to find out how many numbers below fifty million can be expressed as a sum of a prime square, a prime cube and a prime to the fourth power.
In Problem 99: Largest exponential we are given a bunch of base exponent pairs and have to order these exponential numbers.
In Problem 97: Large non-Mersenne prime we are to find the last digits of a very large prime number.
In Problem 85: Counting Rectangles we are asked to compute the number of rectangles on a grid.
In Problem 84: Monopoly Odds we are asked to compute the odds for the fields of a Monopoly board.
Project Euler Problem 83: Path sum: four ways moves Problem 81 and 82 to the next level, now we can go into all directions.