Workshop in Dublin, Ireland

In May 2018 I have been in Dublin, Ireland, for the "Scattering on the lattice: applications to phenomenology and beyond" workshop. It was a stay from Sunday to Saturday.

The workshop was held at the "Hamilton Mathematics Institute" at the "Trinity College Dublin". During the week we sat in a windowless lecture theater in this building:

Their university is a campus university and has very impressive buildings:

Also it is located right in the center of the city, this is the view from a bus driving right around the campus:


Our hotel was in Booterstown. It is close to the water, you just have to take a bridge over the train tracks and can see the water:

During low tide I have went onto the tideland:

City of Dublin

Like London, Dublin has the double decker busses:

They have been rebuilding the docks and you can see many new and old buildings right next to each other:

This is a prime example of more daring architecture:

And still there are the classical working-class neighborhoods still in the inner part of the city:

Their traffic system seems to favor cars even more than Bonn. The following is a pedestrian crossing, and you had to beg at two traffic lights to be allowed to pass: