🇩🇪 — Hi, ich bin Martin Ueding; Physiker, Maschinenlerner, Softwareentwickler und engagiere mich für die Mobilitätswende. Ich habe recht früh mit dem Programmieren angefangen und schreibe darüber im Bereich »Code & Zahlen«. Im Physikstudium bin ich immer weiter in die Computerphysik gegangen, meine Studiumsunterlagen sind noch immer Teil dieser Webseite. Nach der Promotion bin ich in die Wirtschaft gewechselt. Seit dem Abitur habe ich meine Wege mit dem Fahrrad erledigt, Radtouren unternommen und irgendwann auch Radreisen. Inzwischen bin ich auch Aktiver im Radentscheid Bonn.

Aktuell schreibe ich am meisten zu Verkehrsthemen, manchmal auch noch über Wissenschaft, Maschinenlernen oder anderen Dingen, die mir einfallen. Die eher technischen Dinge schreibe ich meist auf Englisch, den Rest auf Deutsch.

Man kann mich per E-Mail, Threema oder Telegram kontaktieren, oder mich auf Mastodon, Pixelfed und GitHub finden.

🇺🇸 — Hey, I am Martin Ueding, a physicist, software developer, machine learning researcher and a traffic policy activist from Germany. On my blog you can find all my physics study material, mostly English articles about code and numbers. The articles about traffic policy are in German.

You can contact me via E-mail, Threema or Telegram. You can also find me on Mastodon, Pixelfed and GitHub.

Simple Captcha with Deep Neural Network

The other day I had to fill in a captcha on some website. Most sites today use Google's reCAPTCHA. It shows little image tiles and asks you to classify them. They use this to train a neutral network to classify situations for autonomous driving. Writing a program to solve this captcha would require obscene amounts of data to train a neutral network. And if that would already exist, autonomous cars would be here already.


Headsets for Every Purpose

Over time I've accumulated a unsettling large number of headsets and headphones. And unfortunately I have yet to find the one that performs well with all tasks. Likely this is not even possible as there are just contradictory requirements. So at the moment I have four different ones which all have their niche.


Radweg an der Siegburger Straße

Aktuell fahre ich mehrfach die Woche von Endenich nach Holzlar. Auf dem Weg fahre ich ein Stück auf der Siegburger Straße vorbei, einer wichtigen Verbindung mit Autobahnzugang. Von der Beueler Rheinseite kommend kann man wunderbar den Bröltalbahnweg nehmen und kommt dann am linken Ende der eingezeichneten Strecke heraus. Ab dem rechten Ende geht es dann nach Holzlar weiter.


Zusammen Fahrrad Fahren

Ich fahre sehr gerne mit dem Fahrrad. Und es kann auch sehr schön sein mit einem oder mehreren Freunden zusammen zu fahren. So nebeneinander fahren, sich unterhalten, die Natur genießen. Jedoch habe ich selten Strecken, auf denen das wirklich möglich ist. Letztlich gibt es in Bonn wenig Radwege oder Radrouten die hinreichend breit ausgebaut sind.


Cloud Backup for Linux

I routinely do backups on external hard drives using backintime. It is a tool which uses hard links to create snapshots with deduplication. Restoring is super easy, either use the tool or copy files manually. The directory hierarchy had a directory with time as filename and your whole directory tree below that.


Video Conference Experiences

During the pandemic I work from home, just like most office workers. To keep in touch we use video conference tools. But as we did not have anything set up before, we needed to find something that works sufficiently welt. Also with the GDPR it is not that easy to just take anything.


Bash and Spaces in File Names

On LinkedIn one can specify skills that one has as a collection of keywords. Contacts can verify these skills by vouching that one has them. A recently added feature is that one can take a 15 question multiple choice test and show a badge if the test result lies in the 0.7 quantile or above. In principle a nice idea.


Learning New Programming Languages

Over the time I have learned a lot of programming languages. DOS batch scripts was the first, but that is not really programming, more scripting. Later I started to learn C but got stuck at pointers. At that age I just did not understand this concept from the book I had. My father has showed me HTML and then PHP, I started to create my personal website with that. And then with PHP I was able to program things that other people could see and try out on my website. Then I wanted to write GUI applications and came to Java, programmed a bunch of little games with that. During my high school I also needed to learn Pascal for my computer science class but never gotten far with it.


Reflections on Private Tutoring

This likely will be my last season of tutoring high school and university students. The final exams for the high school are coming up next week. I thought that it might be a good time to look back and reflect on those years.
