🇩🇪 — Hi, ich bin Martin Ueding; Physiker, Maschinenlerner, Softwareentwickler und engagiere mich für die Mobilitätswende. Ich habe recht früh mit dem Programmieren angefangen und schreibe darüber im Bereich »Code & Zahlen«. Im Physikstudium bin ich immer weiter in die Computerphysik gegangen, meine Studiumsunterlagen sind noch immer Teil dieser Webseite. Nach der Promotion bin ich in die Wirtschaft gewechselt. Seit dem Abitur habe ich meine Wege mit dem Fahrrad erledigt, Radtouren unternommen und irgendwann auch Radreisen. Inzwischen bin ich auch Aktiver im Radentscheid Bonn.

Aktuell schreibe ich am meisten zu Verkehrsthemen, manchmal auch noch über Wissenschaft, Maschinenlernen oder anderen Dingen, die mir einfallen. Die eher technischen Dinge schreibe ich meist auf Englisch, den Rest auf Deutsch.

Man kann mich per E-Mail, Threema oder Telegram kontaktieren, oder mich auf Mastodon, Pixelfed und GitHub finden.

🇺🇸 — Hey, I am Martin Ueding, a physicist, software developer, machine learning researcher and a traffic policy activist from Germany. On my blog you can find all my physics study material, mostly English articles about code and numbers. The articles about traffic policy are in German.

You can contact me via E-mail, Threema or Telegram. You can also find me on Mastodon, Pixelfed and GitHub.

Getting Started with Linux

I occasionally get ask how one could get started with Linux. This shall be a short reference that can guide the way to use Linux as a main operating system, if wanted. I will assume that you have no or only negligible experience with Linux. Then I also assume that you have a computer which runs Windows or macOS.


Don't argument with puppies

Using "doing X [figuratively] kills puppies" as an argument for your case is not helpful. Rather explain why X is considered an anti-pattern and in what cases it may be still permissible. This gives the other person a possibility to reason about the guidance and probably increases the chance that your argument will be accepted.


Bad Password Practices

Every now and then I create an account on a new website. Since numerous websites get breached, I choose a unique password for each website. All those are stored in a password manager. If you want to have a feeling for the number of breaches, look at Have I Been Pwned. Those are only breaches which became public, there are probably many unreported cases for each public one.


The Trouble of Testing PHP Locally

In principle, deploying PHP is extremely easy. Just log into the FTP account of the hoster, upload your files, done. Before I deploy, I want to create a test environment locally such that I can quickly see what my changes actually do before uploading it.


Ultimate Gaming Nickname

It is not easy to find a nickname that is well respected in online gaming. It is even harder to find a "logo" that really expresses yourself. After a little survey of cool names I managed to use LaTeX to make the ultimate "H4ck0r" gamer-tag:


Mean Free Thinking Time

In physics, there is a concept of a "mean free path length", system administrators know the "mean time between failures" (MTBF). The physics terms means the average length that gas atoms can move before they hit another gas atom. When there is a high density of gas atoms, this path length will be rather short. Only with sufficient dilution the length will be in order order of the container size.


Graphics Chip Plot

The graphics card manufactured by AMD and NVIDIA have certain consumer names like "GeForce GTX 960" or "Radeon R9 380". These follow some loose scheme. The first digit is a series, the remaining digits are what I call a level. There 9 is awesome, 1 is not so good. Taking a trailing zero, one has a level from 10 to 90 or perhaps 95.
