Einträge über Promotion

Führen des Doktorgrades

Ich erinnere mich noch an die Einschulung an der weiterführenden Schule, da stand auf der Telefonliste der Klasse bei erstaunlich vielen Eltern ein »Dr.« vor dem Namen. Ich war ziemlich beeindruckt von den Eltern mit »Doktortitel«. Gerade frisch in der fünften Klasse war ich davon noch ziemlich weit entfernt, jedoch kam mir das schon erstrebenswert vor. Mit diesem »Titel« hätte man überall automatisch einen guten Stand.


Defense of the PhD Thesis

I have finished the text my PhD thesis at the end of August 2020. This meant that the scientific and writing part was done and from there on out it would be just formalities that I had to do. Of course there still was the defense, but first I needed to do a bunch of things in order to get there.


Writing a PhD Thesis

In September 2017 I have finished my Master's degree in Physics. I was offered a PhD position by my supervisor and gratefully accepted the opportunity. During the master thesis I started to work with lattice simulations, supercomputer programming and was getting into it. Although I already did not want to persue a full career in science, I still wanted to do a bit more research in physics before leaving for the industry.
