Einträge über Maschinenlernen (Ältere Einträge, Seite 1)

Fit Range Determination with Machine Learning

One of the most tedious and error-prone things in my work in Lattice QCD is the manual choice of fit ranges. While reading up on Keras, deep neural networks and machine learning and how experimental the whole field is, I thought about just trying the fit range selection with deep learning.


Simple Captcha with Deep Neural Network

The other day I had to fill in a captcha on some website. Most sites today use Google's reCAPTCHA. It shows little image tiles and asks you to classify them. They use this to train a neutral network to classify situations for autonomous driving. Writing a program to solve this captcha would require obscene amounts of data to train a neutral network. And if that would already exist, autonomous cars would be here already.
