Einträge über Jira

Kanban Board Software

I have used todo lists for quite a while, and I find it relaxing to be able to write tasks down. This way I don't have to keep all the tasks in my mind and try not to forget anything. The software that I have used was list-based. For short lists or short-term projects this was nice. One could just add a few tasks, and complete them later. One could just pick the next task from the list, and eventually it was all done.


Jira Isn't as Bad as I Thought

I used to hate Jira with a passion. And I still dislike Confluence, see my rant. But lately I have realized that most of my hate actually comes from my misunderstanding of it. It turns out to be quite the useful tool, but you need to have the right use case for it. Otherwise it will be plain agony.
