Einträge über Code & Zahlen (Ältere Einträge, Seite 20)

Recht früh habe ich begonnen mit Computern zu beschäftigen, die Physik kam dann auch dazu. Im Physikstudium habe ich mich auf die Schnittmenge spezialisiert, die Computerphysik. Viele Dinge nehme ich nun mit dem Blick eines Naturwissenschaflers und Softwareentwicklers wahr. Entsprechend sind die Artikel in dieser Kategorie über Programmiersprachen, von mir geschriebene oder genutzte Software, Physik, quantitative Untersuchungen von Finanzthemen und weitere Dinge dieser Art.

Meinen Code findet man auf GitHub, meine dummen Fragen auf Stack Overflow. Auf Physics Stack Exchange habe ich auch einige Fragen gestellt und beantwortet.

Meine wissenschaftlichen Artikel aus der Studienzeit findet man auf arXiv und ORCID.

Number Sequence Questions Tried with Deep Learning

As part of IQ tests there are these horrible number sequence tests. I hate them with a passion because they are mathematically ill-defined problems. A super simple one would be to take 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and ask for the next number. One could find this very easy and say that this sequence are the odd numbers and therefore the next number should be 11. But searching at the The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) for that exact sequence gives 521 different results! Here are the first ten of them:


Card Trick Explained with Combinatorics

Don't ask me why mind works that way, but for some reason I reacalled a card trick that a neighbor kid showed me when I was little. At the time I found it impressive that such things can even work. And today I could not really recall how the trick worked from the performer, but how it appears to the audience.


Fit Range Determination with Machine Learning

One of the most tedious and error-prone things in my work in Lattice QCD is the manual choice of fit ranges. While reading up on Keras, deep neural networks and machine learning and how experimental the whole field is, I thought about just trying the fit range selection with deep learning.


Note-Taking Software

There are a lot of tasks which are so simple that most programmers think that they can just set out and write their own. One of this is note-taking software. There are a couple products out there, but none are quite perfect. And instead of improving one of the existing ones, it is tempting to just start with their own. In the end, of course, there will be just one additional niche solution that only really works for the programmer but not the next user.


Hard vs. Soft Line Wrap

When editing text, I have been using Vim so far. My text documents were either Markdown, reStructuredText or LaTeX. All of them are just source code in some sense, the output format HTML or a PDF in a browser. Single line breaks do not matter in either format, it takes a blank line in between to separate paragraphs. Therefore one has the freedom to insert line breaks within a paragraph at will without it meaning anything semantically.


Simple Captcha with Deep Neural Network

The other day I had to fill in a captcha on some website. Most sites today use Google's reCAPTCHA. It shows little image tiles and asks you to classify them. They use this to train a neutral network to classify situations for autonomous driving. Writing a program to solve this captcha would require obscene amounts of data to train a neutral network. And if that would already exist, autonomous cars would be here already.


Headsets for Every Purpose

Over time I've accumulated a unsettling large number of headsets and headphones. And unfortunately I have yet to find the one that performs well with all tasks. Likely this is not even possible as there are just contradictory requirements. So at the moment I have four different ones which all have their niche.


Cloud Backup for Linux

I routinely do backups on external hard drives using backintime. It is a tool which uses hard links to create snapshots with deduplication. Restoring is super easy, either use the tool or copy files manually. The directory hierarchy had a directory with time as filename and your whole directory tree below that.
