Einträge über Code & Zahlen (Ältere Einträge, Seite 19)

Recht früh habe ich begonnen mit Computern zu beschäftigen, die Physik kam dann auch dazu. Im Physikstudium habe ich mich auf die Schnittmenge spezialisiert, die Computerphysik. Viele Dinge nehme ich nun mit dem Blick eines Naturwissenschaflers und Softwareentwicklers wahr. Entsprechend sind die Artikel in dieser Kategorie über Programmiersprachen, von mir geschriebene oder genutzte Software, Physik, quantitative Untersuchungen von Finanzthemen und weitere Dinge dieser Art.

Meinen Code findet man auf GitHub, meine dummen Fragen auf Stack Overflow. Auf Physics Stack Exchange habe ich auch einige Fragen gestellt und beantwortet.

Meine wissenschaftlichen Artikel aus der Studienzeit findet man auf arXiv und ORCID.

Video Conference Experiences

During the pandemic I work from home, just like most office workers. To keep in touch we use video conference tools. But as we did not have anything set up before, we needed to find something that works sufficiently welt. Also with the GDPR it is not that easy to just take anything.


Bash and Spaces in File Names

On LinkedIn one can specify skills that one has as a collection of keywords. Contacts can verify these skills by vouching that one has them. A recently added feature is that one can take a 15 question multiple choice test and show a badge if the test result lies in the 0.7 quantile or above. In principle a nice idea.


Learning New Programming Languages

Over the time I have learned a lot of programming languages. DOS batch scripts was the first, but that is not really programming, more scripting. Later I started to learn C but got stuck at pointers. At that age I just did not understand this concept from the book I had. My father has showed me HTML and then PHP, I started to create my personal website with that. And then with PHP I was able to program things that other people could see and try out on my website. Then I wanted to write GUI applications and came to Java, programmed a bunch of little games with that. During my high school I also needed to learn Pascal for my computer science class but never gotten far with it.


Log Analysis with GoAccess

Several years ago I used Matomo to analyze the traffic that I have on my website. This is a PHP application that uses either JavaScript or a pixel image to track the user's action on the website. It gave me a list of the most popular pages and also told me how people got to the “page not found” page. I could go ahead and improve already popular articles and fix redirections.


Physics in Star Trek: Enterprise

I've always enjoyed the science fiction genre, and there are many books shows available. Especially I like works where the physics are credible. The Enceladus series by Brandon Q. Morris is such a work. Also The Expanse show seems pretty great in that regard.


Sphinx to Nikola

As you can likely tell, my website looks different now. For a very long time I have been using Sphinx with a custom theme for my personal website. It has served me rather well, but over the time I have been pushing it into ways that are not really how it is designed. Foremost it is a documentation generator. As such it has a hierarchical structure and does not support blog posts or RSS feeds. Some of my content is “timeless” like the study material, but other things slowly outdate and would rather fit into a blog structure. There are extensions to Sphinx that try to add these features, but I rather decided to move it to Nikola instead.


Catch-All E-mail Addresses

Most people have an e-mail address like firstname.lastname@provider.example where provider.example is an e-mail provider. They have only this one e-mail address and give it to every service where they sign up.


How should I buy my books?

These days one can get a lot of books electronically. I am still not sure whether I prefer books in paper or electronic form. It seems that in principle I prefer electronic books, but the way that one can actually buy them is against my preferences. This is is the crucial distinction that will lead to a conclusion.


Attaching a Display

Personally and professionally I have seen my fair share of display connectors. At this point it has a Kafkaesque complexity. At the theory department we have computers ranging from around 2006 to current ones. This means that we also have all kinds of display connectors on the workstations and tablets:


Emoji Keyboards

These days I include a lot of emojis in my chat messages. Back in the day one would write stuff like :-D or include some little pixel graphic, but now we just have unicode symbols for this: 😃. Since these symbols are not on a regular keyboard (except perhaps for laptops with touchscreen bars above the keyboard), one needs to enter them somehow different. And this is where it starts to become really inconsistent.
