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Defense of the PhD Thesis

I have finished the text my PhD thesis at the end of August 2020. This meant that the scientific and writing part was done and from there on out it would be just formalities that I had to do. Of course there still was the defense, but first I needed to do a bunch of things in order to get there.


Software Development in Scientific Research

I've worked in research for the past four years, during my master and PhD thesis. And although I did research in physics, my main day-to-day work has been developing software. The software projects were either the large-scale simulation code, some post-processing code or the analysis.


Writing a PhD Thesis

In September 2017 I have finished my Master's degree in Physics. I was offered a PhD position by my supervisor and gratefully accepted the opportunity. During the master thesis I started to work with lattice simulations, supercomputer programming and was getting into it. Although I already did not want to persue a full career in science, I still wanted to do a bit more research in physics before leaving for the industry.


Tools for Remote Programming Teaching

In the past years I have done a bit of programming teaching. Mostly at the university, where I have tutored in-person classes for C and LaTeX. On the side I have also taught people C and recently Python. In order to learn programming, one has to be able to experiment, therefore one needs to have a shared environment that allows to execute code. I want to introduce a few options that I have found.


Reflections on Private Tutoring

This likely will be my last season of tutoring high school and university students. The final exams for the high school are coming up next week. I thought that it might be a good time to look back and reflect on those years.



During my time in school I was often given worksheets that were photocopies from other books. Sometimes it was the type of worksheet where one had to fill in things, this is somewhat fine. The majority of these photocopies have been just regular book pages.


Gemischte Zahlen

Es gibt irgendwo in der Mittelstufe diese „gemischten Zahlen". Das ist der größte Bullshit überhaupt. Zum einen kann man damit nicht richtig rechnen und zum anderen zerlegt es die ganze Punkt-vor-Strich Intuition, die man bis dahin vorsichtig aufgebaut hat. Und zum anderen ist die Notation extrem unglücklich gewählt.
